Saturday, May 15, 2010

Vegas Farmers' Market: Small But Special

I've been living in Las Vegas for three years, but today was the first time I went to a local farmers' market. I've been avoiding them because they're always held during the week when I work and well, it's Vegas - The only thing we grow here are ideas to get tourists to split with their money.

But this little food blog of mine has inspired me to seek out something new and fresh, and sure enough the Las Vegas Farmers' Market has expanded to Saturdays. It's held at Floyd Lamb State Park, which was another first for me.

After packing up the kiddo and a 25 minute drive, we arrived and what was probably the smallest farmers' market I've ever been too. I can count the vendors on one hand: Farm with plenty of produce, the strawberry guy, corn dogs, roasted corn, ice cream, fire roasted pizza. Okay, maybe I need two hands.

As you might expect, the farm selling the fresh produce was busy. I arrived about 45 minutes after the market opened and they had almost sold out of yellow corn. I grabbed some leeks, cilantro, corn, zucchini and tomatoes. Total was $12.50 and I was on my way in less time than it took to drive there.

Yes, it sounds like I'm complaining a big, but here's the deal - I'll be back.

It was great seeing produce that had just come out of the field. Being able to take a taste before I bought it. And the yellow tomatoes we bought were probably the sweetest I've tasted in a long time. Kiddo ate half the basket on the way home.

Yes, it was small. Yes, I've been to better farmers' markets. But for right now, it's all we have and I'm going to support it. As a bonus, it's held in a beautiful park with lakes and grass. The next time I go, maybe we'll stop and have some of that fire roasted pizza, relax on the grass, and let kiddo feed the ducks. Yep, I'll be back.


  1. I was wondering how the Farmer's Market was there and now I know! But I would have went too - and I would go back. Small, but does look nice at least. (btw, we're moving there this summer and I found you searching for vegas food bloggers)

  2. Welcome to Vegas Brandie! I wish we had a bigger and better market, but I'll take what we can get. The park is a little bit of a drive if you live on the southside, but it's really nice - An oasis in the desert.

  3. Amber, where is it? I thought there was a larger Farmer's Market not too far away but don't ask me where???? I miss going to the one in Palm Desert - it was so fantastic - flowers and everythng. Then all the other things they have for sale at the swap meet! Great way to spend a Saturday!

  4. Pauline, there may be a larger one near you, but it's probably held during the week. Las Vegas Farmers Market website is a good place to check...
