Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What The What?

There's nothing like a little boredom to help dust off the "favorites" page. Hmm, what's this? Pinterest? I forgot I had an account. Hall of Fame FFL? Oh yeah, that old fantasy football league I didn't join this year. Seattle Dish? I haven't posted there since February.

Wait, February? What the What?!?

The little one with a mouth full
I used to love to write little nuggets of news and share my recipes. What happened this year? Oh that's right, I now have two kids. In February my youngest one was five months old. He was so cute, taking mid-morning naps or playing quietly on his blanket. Now he's one, and he a crawling, smashing, eating machine. Yes, that's a picture of him eating a rock. 

Not that having a healthy baby boy is a bad thing. 

What is a bad thing is not finding time to do what I love. Which is cook and write. The last meal I made came from a Trader Joe's bag. The last recipe I followed was probably on the back of a bisquick box. The sandwich place across the street from work has become my best friend. 

Yep, it's time to get back into the swing of things. I owe it to my thighs.

So starting this weekend, I'm going to start cooking again. Not reheating, or microwaving, or baking for 10-12 minutes at 375. Actual recipes, that require raw ingredients, measuring spoons and a grocery list. I can't wait to get started, but first I have to find a recipe.

Hey look, there's Pinterest....


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