Saturday, September 11, 2010

Kitchen Sink Potatoes

Weekends are a great time for family traditions. Usually it's a Sunday night dinner, a special batch of brewed coffee or maybe even a homemade dessert. In our household it's breakfast potatoes.

On Saturday or Sunday morning my husband always makes breakfast potatoes. I call them kitchen sink potatoes because we just use the leftover produce and meat in our fridge. Some weekends it's potatoes with chicken and mushrooms. Others it's potatoes with bacon and onion. It all depends and it's always good. 

This week he made potatoes with bell pepper, onion, jalapeno, green onion, tomatoes and a bratwurst link. 

I've never been good at potatoes because I don't have the patience. While they may be nice and golden brown, they always come out undercooked. But the significant other has got it down pat. 

First make sure you cut the potatoes into small cubes. Too large and they'll take forever to cook. Then heat some oil (we use olive) in a large skillet. We also like to add some butter. Add the potatoes and cook on medium heat, for about 20-30 minutes, turning just a few times. 

If you turn too much, the potatoes won't brown - Not enough and your potatoes will burn. 

When the potatoes are about done, season with salt and pepper. Then add the rest of the kitchen sink in order of what takes longest to cook. Onions, peppers, mushrooms, blah, blah. Toss a few times and you're done. 

If you have meat, I'd suggest you cook it separately and then add it, but my husband likes to just clear a hole in the pan and cook it with everything else. Not sure how safe that is, but I haven't been sick... yet. 

Cook up a couple of eggs the way you like them and serve them on top. Enjoy!

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