Sunday, September 5, 2010

Tailgating, Texas Caviar & The Two Dollar Grill

College football season kicked off this week and I was very excited to get last minute tickets to the UNLV Wisconsin game. Not so much because of the game, but because of the tailgating.

There's something about tailgating that I love. Maybe it's the fact that middle-aged people can stand around in a parking lot and drink beer without feeling weird about it. Yep, that's definitely it. Imagine standing in the parking lot of a Target or Sears drinking beer. Weird. 

We only had a day to whip up a tailgate party menu and we had two big problems. Problem number one? We don't have a grill. Problem number two? It was expected to be 105 degrees that afternoon. 

The grill was no problem. If you ever need a grill or don't want to bring your own grill because it's a mess, buy a disposable grill. You can find them in the charcoal section of the supermarket or the camping area of places like Target and Walmart. It's usually around $4 and comes with everything you need. We found this guy in the summer clearance section of our supermarket for $2. The best part is when you're finished, you can just throw it away. 

One word of warning. These grills are pretty ghetto. I wouldn't suggest cooking chicken or ribs on them. I pretty much buy them when I want to grill hot dogs. 

So first problem solved. Now the second problem was to find a dish that can add some life to my hot dog and chips menu, without melting in the heat. That's where the texas caviar comes in. 

Texas Caviar has nothing to do with fish eggs, and is pretty much a classic bean/corn salad that's made with black eyed peas. There are about a million recipes online, with different variations. I needed one that was easy to make, so I used a recipe called Cowboy Caviar that I found on  It was a big hit and only took about 15 minutes to make.  

This picture is of day-old leftovers, so don't let the wilted cilantro and browning avocado fool you. It was really good. 

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