Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fava Beans Without The Liver And Chianti

Ever see fresh fava beans at the supermarket? Pretty unlikely in Las Vegas unless you're lucky enough to have more money than God and shop at Whole Foods.

So when my corner Smith's supermarket started carrying fresh fava beans last week, I couldn't pass up the opportunity. Of course I had no idea what I was looking at in the produce section, and I definitely had no idea how to serve them (except with liver and a nice Chianti). But here's what I learned...

Fava beans come in a pod, much like green beans. But the pod is huge, like green beans on steroids. You have to open the pod and pop out the beans, one by one. Not sure why, but the inside of the pod is soft and furry - When I first opened them, it kinda grossed me out. Sorry foodies, I just wasn't expecting it. 

There were only about 5 beans per pod, so if you're gonna make some for dinner, make sure you get enough pods. 

I took out the old trusty Martha Stewart Cookbook at found a recipe for Stir Fried Fava Beans. First you simmer the beans for 10 minutes. Next, a nice ice bath. For those of you who don't know what that means (Heather) drain the beans and dunk them in ice cold water so they stop cooking. 

Next you peel the individual beans. Who knew the outer skin wasn't good? Thanks Martha. 

Then I added the beans to a hot pan with oil. I stir fried the beans for about 2 minutes and added a splash of fish sauce. Yes, I have that stuff in my pantry. After another minute, I tossed the beans in a little salt and some diced chives out of the garden, and served them up. 

They were surprisingly delicious. It's hard to explain, but they were meaty and heavy, almost like a meal. Now that I know about them, and their fuzzy pod insides, I'll definitely make them again. Although probably only when I'm trying to impress my friends or I'm having Anthony Hopkins over for dinner. 

And just in case you're wondering, it took me two days to get Hannibal Lecter out of my head. 

These pods are huge! 

The inside of the pod

What I got out of two pods

The beans after they were cooked and peeled

The final product


  1. woah woah woah! these beans look so HUGE! i've tried the smaller version of it but never this huge! the dish you made out of it looks awesome. good job :)

    have a lovely day!


  2. Thanks Jen! Maybe I was in the super-sized produce section :)
