Saturday, February 26, 2011

Garden murderer - I swear it wasn't me!

My backyard is a mess right now - Dead plants, weeds, random gardening tools. And let's not even get started on the dog crap that's everywhere.

But I swear, it's not my fault! This winter has been terrible. I don't think people realize how hard it is to find plants that can handle 110 degrees in the summer, while also surviving freezing temperatures in the winter. For me, gardening in Las Vegas is like trying to get my toddler potty trained - Frustrating.

Right now I'm in crisis mode. I paid $3 for a six-pack of cherry tomato seedlings and planted them last week when it was 60 degrees out. This weekend it's supposed to be in the low 30's with a chance of snow. Are you kidding me?

Two of the tomato plants have already whithered away, killed by the cold wind and chilly nighttime temperatures. Of course they may have just committed suicide after seeing all the other dead plants in my backyard.

So to try and salvage my $3 tomato plant purchase, I went and bought $12 in plastic to cover my garden boxes. I like to call it a makeshift greenhouse, but it's really just some plastic sheets held down by rocks. Of course it's windy, so the thing is on the verge of collapsing at any moment. I'm guessing at least one of my poor little plants will be crushed by a rock before succumbing to the cold.

I could always just go buy some more tomato plants, but that's not the point. I want to brag about how I saved my little plants by using plastic sheets and random rocks. So, if even one of these little plants survives, I will consider it a victory. Wish me luck!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Back in the Saddle Again

It's been a while since I've touched my blog, which is a shame because I really love writing about what's going on in my life. But the past few months have been a little crazy. Here's why:

My husband had a heart attack. Don't worry, he's fine - The doctor even said it was probably a fluke (if heart attacks can be called flukes). So our diet suddenly changed to "healthy" which was completely uninspiring. You try making things without cheese.

My daughter turned two. Not like that's a surprise, but all of a sudden she's getting smart and curious, and I felt guilty spending time on the computer when she wanted to play. She also learned that if she whines enough, I'll also get off the computer. So guilt and whining equaled my blog's demise.

It was winter. And winter sucks. The end.

But now my hibernation is coming to an end. Spring is almost here and it's time to put away those grey sweat pants and fuzzy slippers. My blog has been redesigned with bright, happy colors (which I'll probably be sick of in a month) and I'm starting to enjoy cooking again.

So stay tuned for more stories from my kitchen, along with some other stuff about my crazy kid and wonderful husband. I may even do some crafts - Oh the humanity!!